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Colouring Book for Kids age 3 (Preschool Colouring Books)

SKU: B088B8332D


Print length

101 pages



Publication date

7 May 2020


21.59 x 0.58 x 27.94 cm


A child’s world is fresh and full of magical things. Colouring is basically the stepping stone to build up their creativity and imagination. Toddlers learn best when they have fun. Colouring can bring both joy and enhance pre-academic skills, therefore, we are pleased to introduce “Colouring Book for Kids age 3”.

From this eye-catching book, your kid’ll get various benefits:

  •  Developing hand skills and finger movement.
  •  Increasing concentration and hand-eye coordination.

Especially, this book is tailored for 3-year-old children, using crayon or coloured pencils.

  •  Kid-friendly design with cute colouring sheets and blank pages (for free drawing).
  •  Large print for easy and enjoyable usage.
  •  Ideal gift for kids to join colourful world of creativity.
  •  Happy moments guaranteed, whether your child prefers to use this book alone or with parents.

This book is a part of series “Preschool Colouring Books”, recommended by researchers for children’s comprehensive development